The Parer Place Screen QUT  – The Lightness Matrix 2:  SPACE  Forms part two of a three part Parer Place Project developed as Artist in Residence at the Creative Industries Precinct QUT – July 25 – August 12

A moving image work developed in collaboration with Erik Griswold of Clocked Out winners of the ‘Award for Excellence by an Organisation’ APRA / AMC Art Music Awards, Sydney


Federation Square  MelbourneThe Lightness Matrix 2: SPACE  Projections in Federation Square Big Screen and Plaza Screen from October 17 – and throughout November,  December  www.fedsquare.com/events/  click on Big Screen and Plaza Screen for daily schedule

Matrix 2 : SPACE

This story is a search for mastery of some kind at the risk of metaphorically crashing to the ground. Writers of stories, films and operas have reinterpreted this legend through stories appropriate to their own time.

With space as its theme this second Matrix work harnesses the organic patterns of microscopic life of Matrix 1 to explore the nature of spatiality in both its physical and spiritual guises.

I employ transitions reminiscent of puppet theatre.  My characters are more like scaled up figurines than puppets as they command centre stage before flying off to sit within the props to watch.

This gives the impression of a new sort of puppet show in which an unfolding story about selling one's soul for knowledge and skill ensues until the curtains are drawn to a close and the story unfolds again.

00.50 selections of The Lightness Matrix2: SPACE


Matrix 2 SPACE  Story line